I like this sign although it is too “prudish”
His analytical Mercurian side does wonders
When she gets down to it, it's “a nugget”
WITH The Ascendant ......
Your virtues are great, you have both efficiency and courage, precision, thoroughness and energy. You are often selfless. You are successful in professions that demand strength and skill: dental, surgery, for example.
You devote a lot of time to your work by which you allow yourself to be devoured, “enslaved” Sometimes you are found sympathetic and you appreciate your qualities over time, by getting to know you.
You have a meticulous, patient craftsman side, you don't try to shine or impress, but you need to be recognized for your virtues. You are also looking for the security that pushes you to work a lot but you know how to organize yourself well, you have a taste for decoration, wanting to combine the pleasant with the useful in all circumstances, you succeed because you take pains and act with great perseverance.
Above all, you need security and your childhood, even more than for others, will exert its influence on your evolution. If you were secure enough at the start, you can grant yourself the right to express your whim. Otherwise you will long be in search of an uncertain identity, of an obvious path.
very mercurial, you are particularly gifted for the trades of communication, writing, teaching ,.
you are thought to be casual but you are not.
You are very eager to bond with others, but you are shy, especially in your youth, and you need time to gain a little self-confidence and self-confidence, there is often a conflict between the Cancerian imagination and the rational and reasonable nature of Virgo. You need a comfortable roof over your head, a home, and overall you make room for your family.
You generally know how to use the protections received.
This structure is easier to live with than the reverse structure. In general, success comes without too much effort. You inspire confidence, work hard, know how to be efficient and at the same time exercise discreet authority over others. We see your strength before we perceive your weaknesses. You are successful in business, with the sun in house II which gives a sense of management, finance, you are also good advice, in terms of investment for example.
Outside you are charm, seduction and smile; Inside you lack self-confidence, you doubt, you are afraid to live and take risks.
This Virgo Libra alliance is quite precarious, it takes time for you to overcome your complexes, although you know how to please. You sometimes have a certain physical fragility and you must then take care of yourself, know your limits. You will be able to succeed in the sale because your commercial sense is good in general, you are appreciated for your seriousness and your kindness.
Internalization dominates. You ask yourself a lot of questions, you try to establish exchanges with others, but you have difficulty, you are very uncompromising and inhibitions and anxieties paralyze you. But you really want to improve yourself, move forward, overcome your contradictions and your shortcomings. In this area, your friendly choices will be essential, you have willpower but you take time to come to terms with yourself. The inner life, the metaphysical meaning are very important to you.
Difficult to do more contradictory !!! Virgo wants security, tranquility, self-effacement and discretion. Sagittarius has a taste for the risk of travel, adventure and pomp! If the sun is in house IX, it is Sagittarius who will win, if it is in house X, it will be necessary to reconcile the contradictions by looking for brilliant professional activities, at the same time as very reassuring, of the type, large administration , state service, international law.
You have an intelligence, cold, precise, lucid, there is no room for illusion, but you can have a passion for philosophy, for subtle reflection, for long and serious studies.
, This association lacks cheerfulness, the “madness” is difficult, laborious, you only know how to distract yourself with essential things. Yet you often show humor, irony, causticity.
The others perceive you as haughty and distant: you suffer from it but you do not know how to ask.
Quite a few contradictions, on the one hand you are above all looking for security and on the other hand you dream of freedom. independence and fantasy. But the two signs have in common a passion for research, an interest in all that is medical. You may dream of putting yourself at the service of others, of the common good.
Trials in youth sometimes trigger a vocation, you are of a complex nature, difficult to know, often even disconcerting or totally unpredictable.
Look for your autonomy.
Here again, altruism often takes precedence. These are two signs related to health problems, to the need to serve.
So better to be a Caregiver than a sick person.
You just need security and love, and you go out of your way for others, but sometimes you lose control and engage in weird experiences.
Mystical you will lead to the end, the fight between the reasonable rational being, and the irrational inspired being.
Marriage can balance you out.
Kind Reasonable Virgins a little madness could free you from all kinds of unsettling anxieties.
luckily you seek, seek, you always end up finding… ..
Come on, I send you lots of smiles loaded with good vibes… ..
Next week we will talk about Libra with his Ascendants.