TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2017
Hello to you !
Today let's talk about Uranus, until 2019 its transit will be limited to the last degrees of Aries (between 25 ° and 30 °)
Uranus the planet of sudden changes
See what she plans for you according to the position of your birth planes positive or negative of its transit.
Let's talk aspects that it forms with the lights (Sun-Moon)
WITH YOUR BIRTH MOON (120 °, 60 °)
If it is positive with your birth moon, it allows you to meet new people, contact with an unusual environment and original, travels and expansion phase, a baby who did not arrive?
Negative, (90 °) Family malaise You feel bad in your usual surroundings, but you should review it all with new eyes or put on rose-colored glasses rather than change everything, now is not the time.
In conjunction (0 ° to 10 °)
Attractions like separations arise suddenly, this aspect is very stimulating for the mind, you assert yourself, you go to discover yourself, new directions which can only be positive Saturn passes the end of Sagittarius and becomes positive of this conjunction. Move in pleasant conditions, possibly.
In opposition (180 °)
Here, ho la la, you want to change everything in an atmosphere of rebellion, which causes instability and disorder in your family. State of feverishness that disrupts your relationships with others and causes breakups (temper, think before acting)
With your birth sun
If the transit of Uranus is positive with Your sun
The doors open, the start of a long-considered project, the support of friends who help development, you orient yourself well, towards the future.
A stroke of luck which can be a source of progress which gives a new direction to destiny; good self-control is necessary to avoid getting into big trouble and ruining your chances.
This conjunction increases the personality, the vital force, a defining period which makes it possible to play an important role in the houses occupied by the sun, Leo or Aquarius. In general everything should be positive thanks to the transit of Saturn in Sagittarius
Opposition to the Sun
You may feel like rejecting the past for a deep total transformation, inner and / or outer; strong nervous tension and sudden impulse (perhaps held back by Saturn), however it is a time of conflict but one of renewal.
Take advantage of these forecasts to assess your chances or modify certain destructive behaviors
For all with good or bad aspects, in difficulty or in ease all that will be undertaken will be called to last thanks to the good aspects of Saturn at the end of Sagittarius during throughout the current year.
Good week
Good luck
In the coming weeks I will talk about the transit of Uranus with MERCURY AND VENUS (2 beautiful important fast planets)