Love this one
SARTRE was Gemini ascendant Scorpio and this book shows well this mixture of energies
I quote some passages Where you you will find these two signs …… ..
Speaking of the close people around him he wrote… In pure Gemini ……
My natural judges had discredited themselves by their boasting, I challenged them but I saw no others.
Stunned vermin, without faith, without law, without reason, or end. I escaped into the family comedy turning, flying, running, from imposture to imposture, I was fleeing my unjustifiable body and its weak confidences; if the top stumbled upon an obstacle and stopped, the haggard little actor relapsed into animal stupor; Good friends told my mother that I was sad, that I had been caught dreaming. My mother hugged me, laughing: " you who are always so gay to sing! and what would you complain about? you have everything you want She was right, a spoiled child is not sad; he is bored like a king. Like a dog.
I am a dog, I yawn, the tears roll, I feel them roll. I am a tree the wind clings to my branches and shakes them vaguely. I am a fly, I climb along a window, I tumble I start climbing again.
Speaking of Charles Schweitzer who kept God away from his life he said….
He never missed an opportunity to ridicule Catholicism: His table talk was like Luther's.
On Lourde he did not dry up: Bernadette had seen " a good woman who changed her shirt »We had plunged a paralytic in the swimming pool and when we had removed it »He saw with both eyes "
Oops it's me, I love !!!!!
Recognize here " The words "
Another very scorpion passage …… ..
I saw death when I was five years old: it was lying in wait for me; in the evening, she prowled on the balcony, stuck her muzzle to the tile, I saw her but I dared not say anything. Quai Voltaire, once we met her, she was a tall, crazy old lady, dressed in black, she muttered as I passed: " this child, I would put it in my pocket Another time it took the form of an excavation, it was in Arcachon Karlémami and my mother was visiting Mme Dupont and her son Gabriel, the composer. I was playing in the garden of the villa, scared because I had been told that Gabriel was sick and that he was going to die. I rode the horse without enthusiasm, and pranced around the house. Suddenly I saw a hole of darkness, the cellar had been opened; I don't really know what evidence of loneliness and horror blinded me: I turned around singing loudly. I run away To this at the time I had an appointment every night with her in my bed. It was a rite: I had to lie down on my left side, my nose towards the alley; I was waiting, all trembling, and she appeared to me, a very conformist skeleton with a scythe; I was then allowed to turn on my right side, and she was leaving, I could sleep peacefully. During the day, I recognized her in the most diverse disguises.
Then ! don't we find, there, Scorpio, in all its splendor, from an early age scorpions imagine death in different forms, it is always present in them… anguish and Fear too.
They always end up transcending it.
especially with the sun in Gemini ,. Mercurian sign associated with intelligence.
Sartre has found his way, he has been able to build and develop his identity and then use his influence on young people and an entire era.
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J has gilds also read Jean-Jacques Rousseau
We can say that his books are reminiscent of syndrome persecution, but the persecution is still growing- thanks to a trigger mechanism (real)
as the 12th house indicates enemies and disease psychic.
All this did not happen on its own, although there was fertile ground, there were also hidden or declared enemies, dangerous, that made it tip over.
Unfortunately its theme does not indicate any particular protection.
His books look like him, of course, So in astrology he is CANCER ascendant VIRGIN
Two not very strong signs, rather receptive, The moon, Mercury and Neptune reign there as Masters
Of course Mercury in Gemini house X signs the writing, he could have communicated more with " men But he was rather, a great dreamer.
The mistress Moon of Cancer is in conjunction with Neptune in dissonant house IX of Saturn + 3 planets in house XII (hidden enemies and illusions) All this leads to dreams, to illusions and disillusions (he will feel persecuted all his life) even if there is always something true, at departure, this "some thing" who has sets off delirium (as often, I would even say always).
here, the virulent enemies de Rousseau did exist.)
This theme is not "anchored" enough to overcome it and it will isolate itself for a long time.
I quote a few lines from his book " The musings of the lonely walker "
Nature benefits from everything that is taken away from society. No one is more disposed to love plants and animals, landscapes, than he who hates people.
Rousseau's conduct verifies this axiom.
He himself says that it took persecution -and by following the forced removal - so that he would withdraw into himself and pay attention to what surrounds him, and which was not society.
As men always do, Rousseau attributes to an external cause what comes in part, from himself.
Other paragraph
It was on Thursday October 24, 1776 that after being overthrown, while that he planted in Ménilmontant, by an enormous dog, and seriously injured, he realizes by returning to his health and by resuming his lucidity. That a plot had been hatched against him, not to kill him, but to overwhelm him, once he died new and definitive calumnies. Here is a drop of water that broke the camel's back and will force the author to become this completely solitary walker, who was still only in part, and in spite of himself.
Other quote In " Paul and Virginie "...
" If the scandalous history of society did not provide material for their conversations, that of nature filled them with delight and joy. "
In conclusion:
I will add for the neophytes that the 12th house represents the hidden enemies but also the trials, the diseases, the prisons (here we have the enemies and Rousseau who becomes a prisoner of himself)
As for Neptune and the Moon (mistress of Cancer, her solar sign) in IX these two planets sign illusion and lack of discernment.
This theme is based on instinct, intuition, imagination, writing, Mercury clearly imposes itself, in Gemini in house X (sector of social success and of Destiny) and ruler of the I house (ascendant Virgo) too close to the Black Moon and Mars , we could speak of mental excitement (always thinking of being persecuted to ruminate). the mind is not optimistic. (URANUS, SATURN, PLUTO in House XII)
Rousseau finds his happiness in writing, obviously, isolation, nature, animals, as recommended by Neptune and his house XII loaded with 3 heavy planets…. .his the last few years have been spent in illness, loneliness and isolation.
I will always repeat it Jupiter well placed in a birth chart, it is the Universe integer with we.
This is how we can (it seems to me) analyze in Astro-psychological, this author.
Read this book very beautiful and interesting !
See you soon for another author among my favorites.