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EH WELL IT IS THE MOMENT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE (which does not mean to change place, spouse or profession)



Changing your life is above all, changing yourself.  it's not complicated, come on, let's go!



These are words that I have often heard "I am starting a new life"  a little fear in the voice, because the human brain does not like changes, unconsciously we replay the  same film since childhood.


  But these words  summarize the philosophy of realizing the need for change.


They say that man is full of contradictions, No! the man on the contrary is  harmony and balance but the contradictions that have been imposed on it since childhood, are exerted on all actions and thoughts  to its detriment. 

Family, religious, sexual issues, which should be seen with more breadth and understanding.

But hey, let's not dwell on this  which is already in us hiding in the shadows and which we call “unconscious”

So what to do? 

By observing his inner world we see forces face to face They are there, the contradictions, on the one hand the subconscious filled with all kinds of repressed emotions of unspoken etc ... on the other the consciousness which could  to be  more important more vast eliminator and cleaner of what no longer has to be.


  All  does not happen  not on a snap of the fingers, it does not work like that or not for a long time !!!! 

You have to understand what you throw away what it looks like why you don't want it anymore.

It's just a little inner work.

  Otherwise what happens? 

Well it just takes its place  , we make the same mistakes with other people, in other places, but we have not changed our lives “in depth”. the same problems or similarities reappear soon after.  


When we have emptied “the biggest” of our unconscious. (By understanding quite simply that we no longer want it, that we accept that it is so, "' we no longer want it is like that and not otherwise "  we no longer leave full consciousness, that is to say the feeling of being, of living fully, here and now.

It is only on this condition (high self-awareness) that one can hope to change one's life.

Often people work, cry, laugh, drive without really thinking about it, the powerful actions of their unconscious make him a robot until the day they decide to act in a deep state of awareness of his own existence at that precise moment. .


And there, finally, man discovers a world of light and balance that he would never have imagined… Ecstasy!  no more remorse of guilt, resentment or regret since the consciousness expands to the detriment of the unconscious which is slowly extinguished. we join “the here and now” free and beautiful !!!!!

Human possibilities are immense, without will they do not exist.


  what can astrology do in this case? l (ah ha !!!)  It can give you a direction… Your north node …… .you don't know? you have not read the text on the lunar nodes? a little courage, read or reread  the lunar nodes, you will easily understand.

Wouldn't it be a shame to have such a vast field of consciousness to leave it fallow.

It is by no means a question of burning one's wings in the face of a culture generating imbalances, nor is it a question of bringing down all the safety bars, it is a question of acting in full awareness of one's own choices, thanks to a brain in tune with our needs for changes towards the reality of ourselves.  


And the change of life will find its place !!!


See you next week.



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