Good morning !
I come back to the aspects.
If you follow me on the site, you know that I offers an astro-psychological analysis of the negative aspects to help you become aware of them and negotiate a more neutral if not harmonious relationship with yourself.
If you find out, welcome to You!
it is possible to reverse the patterns by force of will when we are aware of it….
These two planets: one Saturn: self-control, cold blood, austere character / The other: Venus: sensitivity inseparable from love, fluttering, need to please)
… ..
If the appearance is harmonic
A strong desire for the construction and stabilization of emotional life guarantees you: balance, maturity and fidelity.: It is a beautiful aspect which guarantees lasting attachment (a tip: look at the topic of your friend, husband, wife , or joint if this aspect exists it can if other strong aspects are not at stake, guarantee unfailing loyalty ah ha !!! it stays between us (laughs)
The person knows how to channel their emotions and discipline their emotional behavior.
The attractions are towards older people, in general, but not necessarily.
In the case of a conflicting aspect between these two planets; it's quite painful to go through.
Index of frustration in emotional life as well as in the Moon / Saturation aspect.
There are 4 possibilities. Which you will study, you will surely find yourself in one of them.
1) A affective inhibition makes it difficult to express feelings, and results in rigidity in relationship life
2) Affective greed leads the native to lock himself into repetitive patterns (we always make the same mistakes without thinking that we might have to change our behavior in the face of a new relationship ... Analyze)
3) A tendency to look for difficult, complicated or dead-end situations plays out against the backdrop of failure behavior.
4) A marked awareness of all forms of abandonment and separation is expressed by an excess of possession and reactions of jealousy. (feelings of abandonment in childhood for example)
This is what we can say about these possible aspects that are important to analyze….
Well it's just a little job that will help you in the happiness of being in tune with yourself.
Do you well !!!