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I invite you to discover House IV,






House IV  governs everything that participates in the foundation of our history and therefore corresponds to all the difficulties inherent in the need to free oneself from one's past, one's roots and the family frame of reference.


  • Unlike astrology, which in general  assigns house IV to the mother only.

  • In psychology,  This structuring role is  vested in authority, regardless of who assumes it (Father, Mother, or other level of kinship). 

House IV is therefore of capital importance since it represents the roots,  but the achievement is not always obvious and the individual must learn to realize himself by his own means.

So he must free himself from his childhood and move on from invalidity and dependence,  to the assumption of responsibility.

  In most of the cases  we find adults who reproduce the same patterns for fear of change, it must be said that human beings, in general, do not like to change their rhythm of life


  • The people most affected by this need to stay on the same track.

have a planetary cluster  in house IV as well  that the moon, the sun or,  the master of house IV in house I. 

If the planets which are in this house and / or in the sign of Cancer are well aspected by, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, as well as the Moon (in analogy with the fourth house)  the subject is happy, he is well there.  


But imagine that this house is negative and that it is necessary to emerge from a too heavy past?


  So, there is an answer.


I remember that a friend "Elisabeth"  regularly repeated a few lines several times a day.  hoping to get out of its toxic history.

Here is the sentence… .that she found in a Book.  


“While freeing myself from the past, I let in what is new, fresh and vital.

I give free access to life. "


It's good,  but you still have to really want it.

to get rid of it, we have to ask ourselves ....


-Do I want to free myself from this past? 

not only on the surface but deep down. (do not be afraid to feel painful moments, it is through emotions that they can be eliminated,  saying during the emotion or after ... I throw)


-Do I want to free myself from this past which imprisons me and fully live my new life?

Yes ?

Then,  look at where the "north node" is located in your astral sky (refer to the lunar nodes in "my publications")  it will give you an indication.


After you understand, you can repeat this phrase as often as you want, in meditation or in everyday life.




Tell yourself that we always get what we really want , with a lot of will and a good personality, otherwise,  there is psychoanalysis which works very well, that's for sure!


As a last resort .... Enhance, Magnify, transform, we can always try, it works on some people,




  To sublimate means for example: .......

to use the bad karma of a person to value him by explaining to him that this karma will have been used to make him evolve. it's just true, right?



  sublimation we owe it to Freud

I quote : "  a sublimation of the drives which would be diverted towards a new goal.

That is to say, destructive sexual drives for example which would be diverted towards a new goal ... art, science or others ... ... valued by society

, the substitution by which the object of frustration and tension would be replaced by another "


I also recommend changing all patterns, we transform everything and we say to ourselves ......


"I have always been happy, I had a wonderful childhood, wonderful parents, I live in a wonderful family, every day is a wonderful day. I am very lucky."


The brain believes everything it is told

but it takes time to erase the film from the past and above all to want it and want to change through effort

not "on the wave of a magic wand" because the old patterns would fall back into place in the same week; but by working on it, long enough to reset the counters to 0 and start again with a happy heart.

It takes willpower,  courage.  In psychology, it is a certainty; you get nowhere without giving your work, making an effort, the rest is silliness that is part of false beliefs.  


As you can see there are several solutions to get by



Well, there it is! with everything you know now you will get there. in any case you have already set foot in the stirrup.


I wish you a ..... Good understanding with yourself

  sprinkled with good waves.


See you soon  


Quote of the week

"Life has the meaning you choose to give it"




any recovery, even partial, prohibited

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