When is Saturn dominant?
If the sun, the moon or a planetary cluster are found in the sign of Capricorn
Saturn near the ascendant or the middle of the sky
In short, whether Saturn or the sign of Capricorn is highlighted in the chart.
You are Saturnian, congratulations, even if it is not always easy to assume what you have set in motion you will go to the end, without ever giving up, it is the long-distance runner
Saturn rules the bones, especially the knees, which are long, with a heavy or too bony skeleton. there are also Capricorns built like mirrored cabinets but this is rather rare.
We note the stiffness, the left, stilted attitude, the angular face, the deep eyes,
You carry violent ambitions within you, until mountains are lifted, the worst, it is that very often you arrive there, aptitude to defy everything and to wipe to achieve your ends.
Aside from that?
It is true that with a strong Saturn it is not always joy at home, work comes first.
However, avoid making commitments that are too heavy until you often forget that you have a family.
You can be blamed for a lack of communication, of human warmth
You have bone problems, but in general you have good health, a long life. (with good aspects of the sun or the moon)
So the spouse thinks about it?
If it's an earth sign or water, he won't complain if it's an air sign or fire it will take the powder rather quickly.
Dissonant of Mars? your horse may take you away or he sees fit and does not suffer any mastery at the risk of losing everything. (brake from time to time)
negative of the Sun? you suffer from the incomprehension of others, you must like the lonely climber, climb the north face of a peak of incomprehension and foolishness
On the other hand, if the planet is positive or the positive sun in the sign of Capricorn, it is the hidden hero, or concealed under a modest and simple appearance according to astro-psychology.
Ability to trace incredible handicaps over time
It's good to have Saturn in good terms (positive aspects 60 ° or 120 °) with the other planets in his theme …… .. The subject thinks, works hard, succeeds most of the time. He temper and calm his entourage, but beware of egocentricity.
Well, there it is, this is not what is best for »Have fun " in life but, it is certain, solid.
See you soon for another star