Beware, she's a bewitcher, you won't escape her seduction, her fascination or the hold she has on those around her.
So, VENUS is dominant and positive in your astral sky?
Venus near the Ascendant or Midheaven or if several planets in addition to the Sun or the Moon are in the sign of Taurus or Libra.
It is the journey in bliss ......
It will enchant you with its dizzying beauty, cheerfulness, joy, carnal or intellectual pleasure depending on the sign it occupies, it will take you to discover the marvelous, we will fall under your charm, you will seduce, by a mixture artistic and cultural testifying to the extraordinary wealth of this planet, well-being, serenity, harmony.
The planet of happiness in house X, I, VII, IV, well aspectée of the beneficial planets (Jupiter, Sun "Attached" " 4 to 5 ° " the Moon or several planets)
The gentle, conciliatory, loving temperament, in general keeps confrontations away, the subject reveals and communicates the advantage of being wanted and desirable, he makes his image attractive, he likes to share even if it is clichés about happiness.
At the best level the heroic subject imposes himself by seduction, disdaining the war he makes envy by his blessed state the rules which he applies.
His aesthetics and the morals of the gods he serves embellish his image.
Everything is going wonderfully well with La beautiful dominant Venus,
Events and circumstances are in harmony with temperament and character. (what better !)
But not that, alas.
If it is negative ……
The subject is accused of being lazy, too many facilities become doubtful, inspired by an exaggerated sensuality astro-psychology speaks of »Success Without any special effort.
Sensuality lacks malice, we marry a great faculty professor who behaves in bed like a picture book (imagine… .. hat, glasses, and a frozen smile…. wow !!! it's not great (laughs)
in dissonance of Neptune, it is the captive charm, the subject suggests more things than he is able to give, however, he is full of kindness and goodness.
The dissonances bring out the incompatibilities of the stars
By dint of provocations, loves or others, can turn into confusion, misunderstandings and unfinished romances.
Dissonant of Pluto it is the hidden love it is dead end, often fatal.
Dissonant Saturn: emotional trauma in childhood, abandonment or separation.
The beautiful Venus and the sad Saturn at odds is not safe ground. here too I suggest self-discipline (avoid the headlong rush if you can, otherwise get help, it's the first step that counts).
Oh Venus !!!! I love this planet guess why? ah ha….
Because I am a woman of course!
Are you thinking of something else? …..Then, maybe (I'm kidding)
See you soon for other dominant stars.