May 2018
Hello to you,
You ask yourself questions
And you want answers?
Analyze your dreams .........
This summer I was on vacation with a rather anxious friend, she was sleeping very little but That day she slept in
in fact, she had spent a very agitated night.
-Oh lala I spent the whole night dreaming .....
I was in a room where a bird and a turtle were tearing each other apart in fury, the room was messy clothes were lying around all of a sudden the turtle became giant, the bird seemed to be afraid, I wanted to to open the window to release it, she was stuck, so I enter the turtle with both hands with the intention of break the window at the same time everything disappeared, the room empty, clean and tidy.
nothing, all of a sudden, as if by a miracle.
what do you think?
The miracle surely comes from an unconscious decision, for the rest It would be necessary look for the etymology of words .....
The turtle represents what for you?
Home, home, I think
And the bird?
Freedom, the great outdoors. Ah, it's good, I have understood!
You see it's very clear, your dream reveals a conflict between freedom and family life, this subject must worry, don't you?
And what do I do?
Usually you should act and put your life in order since everything was clean and tidy at the end of the dream. for the growing turtle we can say that you chose ... you made a decision, she's there your decision, .
-You understood,?
-Yes, the "Giant Tortoise"?
wouldn't you have a badly assumed double life?
uh .... we see that in my dream, it's crazy!
No, that's a suggestion. So?
I confirm.
Everyone knows Freud .... dreams, the way that leads to the unconscious , few people use it.
_I tell you another very telling one too
_Lastly a woman, me asked to help him with a dream that worried him ..... She painted all her walls with " m ...... "
Oh well, what is that?
Well, after a few questions ...... she was "screwing the m .... " all over.
Unbelievable ! it's easy after all.
-Go on, we're going to the beach?
Then, if you have to face a dilemma, write down your dreams when you wake up so you don't forget them and look for the etymology.
you will be put on the way ..... Royal
Some flowers for fun
I love roses, their scent, their colors
bring me back to the The beauty of nature.
Ah nature !!! the gift that she makes us every day, to the Sun and to the water that we nourish, in spring, summer and happiness "to be"
Receive all and all these few flowers
who will help you, I am sure, to find the right path ........