Mars near the Ascendant or Midheaven, or if several planets in addition to the Sun or the Moon are found in Aries or Scorpio
So, are you under the influence of Mars?
Well, do not laugh with the real Martians, they are there to act and the instinctive life is powerful,
If your Mars is supported by good planets you have good self-control, composure and strength of character, you will be able to develop a capacity for action and achievement by integrating the support of time and reflection.
Normally you realize yourself with the force of the wrist, you hold the reins with a Martian force and it is not nothing.
Your tenacious willpower is particularly evident in difficult situations and in the exercise of responsibilities.
Efficiency and ability to get things done
You have a iron health which regenerates very well, luckily because you always go too far.
Sexuality is inseparable from love especially if Venus is good in the theme, then, The temperament is warm, loving, kind, expansive, and induces a harmonious relationship between tenderness and desire
on the other hand if the aspects are negative, Mars turns all red.
Your outbursts of aggression can shake walls, lack of flexibility makes it difficult to adapt to active life and achieving goals, you may feel frustrated and lock yourself into a negative attitude of harshness and blockade. the sensibility.
Beware of accidental risks and possible fractures.
That said, if you find yourself in both characters a bit, you can move more willingly to the best of yourself, bet on… ..
March conqueror.
Are you a Martian? choose the best direction. (it's possible)
I love Mars, it is strength, bubbling dynamism, nervous and inventive he does not have both feet in the same shoe.
Well done!!!!