Hello Celine,
What to think about interference?
The interferences are due, in general, to mental disorders results of nervous fatigue, stress or trauma etc ...
It could also be, but I have no proof, that people practicing telepathy could communicate by thought, or it would be due to ... benevolent entities or not. ???? Some patients believe in it ... whereas it should not be believed.
in this area I remain closed, I would rather lean for a trauma in childhood which would have caused the psyche (personality) to explode in 2, 3 and sometimes 4 times.
The best way is to take power over yourself and maybe over " other " with force . to stay anchored, aligned never to lose sight of each other.
. In my work, I have met a lot of people concerned and I have enjoyed working on their psychological problems and other eventualities.
I deduce that the interferences have no power except that which one gives them by weakness, ignorance or blindness.
The only power is yours, the one you want to have, that of your "ME initial and that I call the WILL TO BE HERE AND NOW.
Do not fight against this interference, let them come and go, I repeat… .. they have no power over you. ONLY YOU HAVE THE POSSIBILITY TO CHANGE THINGS IN YOURSELF AND NOTHING OR NOBODY ELSE
You just have to decide, to have the strength. (to become strong)
I am not against anxiolytics or antidepressants (but not too strong because they inhibit the personality) corn "taking power over yourself »Only your strength increased tenfold these people, in general, will achieve this. have great psychic power and can use it to rebuild themselves. it's you, and you only who can put it on your side .. (this force) Above all, do not enter the game of false beliefs, do not let these beliefs take over, without you, these interferences are empty, they pass, disappear and will eventually die out. .
Have no fear, only yourself, can you destroy or build you. The brain can tell the difference between interference that has no hold on you (because you don't want it) and your own will. It is the strength of the Self that counts, if you have decided on something and you put all your strength into it, nothing and no one, I repeat it will not be able to influence you, it's like hypnosis, if you don't want to. Your Self will say no.
Just be aware of the problem and say, NO, Now it's over, I'm in charge. and that's all.
If you are not sure.
Read the text and talk about it with a Professional doctor in this field, that will help you.
The astral chart provides the basics of strengths and weaknesses.
A good Jupiter, Mars and Saturn help in the proper functioning psychic.
A bad Neptune on the other hand, can tip it over.
But anyway if you decide and act, you will put the odds on your side.
Be sure of you, you are strong!
Go in this direction and Everything will go up in smoke except the will to be YOU.
I treat the subject simply so that it is accessible to all.
Make good use of it.