It symbolizes the polarity personified by two Twins
This is the first time that a human reference has intervened in the zodiac.
You are the friend with whom we interact, we communicate without restraint
but with the ascendant? Let's see together .....
You are full of energy and enthusiasm, your ideas abound and your young and creative spirit makes you start a lot of projects, but beware of the risk of dispersion or instability.
You know how to convince, train others, get them to adhere to your innovative ideas or to participate in seductive adventures. You like to undertake with others, to share the risks and the image of the " participation", Passionate but not fooled.
Gemini Ascendant Bull
You are sometimes criticized for knowing how to take advantage of your relationships or the protections you know how to gain yourself a little too well, because you have charm. But the Gemini-Taurus alliance is complex and as long as the sun is in the II house, practicality outweighs spiritual aspirations, it will undoubtedly serve you if you have good business acumen, business management, activities »Merchants ".
Your sensual nature will sometimes be in conflict with a very strong cerebrality.
Oh lala, how difficult it is to reach adulthood!
Here unites the adolescent Gemini and the infant Cancer. With these two you will need a lot " row »To get out of childhood, conquer your autonomy, stop asking others for always-desired support. You will need to be aware of this to escape this vertigo of addiction and this in all areas, especially hardware. But how can we not be moved by so much fragility! do not trust it too much " a trap maybe "
More talented does not exist! but like many gifted beings, nothing will be more difficult for you than the choice, the orientation, you will want to try everything. But how do you know what you're made for, if you can't devote time to trials,? impossible not to be a jack of all trades. for a long time you have a taste for theater, writing, painting, you disperse but you make a lot of friends, which you will need for a living.
Two Mercurial signs together in you intelligence takes precedence, with what that represents of fascinating and painful. Your gifts are multiple but writing particularly attracts you, or communication professions, journalism often and that is ideal.
Often you seek to exercise two jobs at the same time, two complementary activities, one rather cerebral, abstract, the other more pragmatic, if professional communication is easy, the same does not always apply to emotional exchanges.
Gemini Ascendant Libra
Two air signs together lacking in stability and rootedness. But you are charm, ease, kindness embodied; Your reports are numerous and important to the point that sometimes you will go into exile and choose to live " elsewhere ". You have a taste for studies, your need for knowledge is insatiable, your side is eternal student allows you to stay young in your head for a very long time, your seduction is guaranteed but with a side " inaccessible " as the image of the father has often been.
This combination is devilishly intelligent, we think of Sartre, of his lucidity (but beware of this impressive lucidity which can cause a headlong flight in the face of updated reality), Sartre as a visionary has used his influence on young people, on a whole era.
With this structure you build yourself and develop your identity often on painful events: but will always be able to do your best thanks to your extreme intelligence.
With the Sun in House VIII, you transform, you evolve, progress .. You have a philosophical spirit that is at the same time detached, passionate, playful and tragic.
Gemini Ascendant Sagittarius
This axis opposes the two signs the Gemini-Sagittarius is extremely mobile and needs to find stability and security in others. Your desires and your speeches are very contradictory, the truths change with the wind and your mood, you should know that despite this, the compass, year in and year out, still designates a more or less stable north.
Your attachments run deeper than they seem. But they are linked to the evolution of the subject. You are looking for the brother (or sister) " incestuous »(?) ……. love friendships, this combination finds the brother, the friend, the lover in the same and only person, What luck !!!!
Between this adolescent and this old man, there is little in common. But the ascendant in Capricorn stabilizes Gemini, disciplines it, gives it more wisdom and depth. These two intelligences are complementary and can be at the service of your ambition. But it takes time for them to make peace. Because one plays and the other hates the game; one cheats and the other only respects honesty. Reconciled, they can do wonders. You have a great need to be recognized by others
Two air signs together who have a passion for intelligence, a remarkable curiosity of mind. But there is a risk. By dint of wanting to touch everything it happens that we do nothing until the end
So avoid playing around with creative desires all your life. Original and personal ideas without really trying to materialize. You are extremely inventive, but you need " a midwife Which constrains and disciplines you.
Difficult structure between two double signs as little embodied as the other, often insanely gifted but unstable, insecure and psychologically fragile. You need supportive help, you have to avoid dispersing yourself too much, going all over the place. Often family problems complicate things and are part of the destabilizing factors or conflicts to overcome. If you take root in reality, anything can turn for the better
You know everything …… .or almost, it's already good isn't it?