In this section, I offer you the Ascending Sun synthesis consciously described, she can help to the update of its inner conflicts and a re-harmonization of its inner nature. BY GROWING AWARENESS
Let's start with the BELIER
Paradoxically, you will be more influenced by the scale in front of you.
Romantic, generous, ardent, passionate, you are ready to give away your shirt, unable to resist whoever asks your kind heart, you have however a major weakness… You would make charm in a coat rack…
Sometimes you go for it, sometimes you hesitate, that is the influence of the scale. (Analyze)
Sometimes you are criticized for doing too much.
You operate on two irreconcilable rhythms and you have to learn to alternately ride your Arabian Thoroughbred and your Percheron. You seduce easily but you know exactly what you want and over time you assert yourself. Better not to rely too much on your apparent placidity, the fire is secretly smoldering and, when the volcano wakes up there is reason to tremble! Nothing will ever happen without passion, without absolute spontaneity.
Friendship, communication, and exchanges are both your oxygen and your daily bread, but this makes you very vulnerable because you are dependent on others. Without them you do not exist, they trigger your joy of living, your eloquence, alone, you die off. Your very identity is based on relationship, contact, your youthful character, your multiple talents are very appreciated.
You are in search of fraternity.
There is no lack of contradictions here, how can we reconcile ardent combativity and the desire for peace, the need to act and passivity? a part of you takes refuge in the imagination and the other has a taste for conquest, between the two there is however a link: spontaneity and qualities of heart. Risks of immaturity too, that's Cancer, it's up to you to try to harmonize by analyzing yourself because you can tackle it with courage;
heroic dreams, but don't take your desires too much for reality. You have to know how to exceed your secret fears.
Here are two allied fire signs for struggle, combat, wild hopes and dreams of greatness. Beware of pride which would encourage one to be convinced that one is invincible! the sense of risk allows you to consider adventure, travel, exploration of the world in all its forms. You are able to strive for an ideal without weakening, often the father has been far away. Inaccessible, he is sometimes idealized or terrible, like God the Father!
Delicate alliance between the Aries who goes forward who seeks adventure, and the Virgo thirsty for security who fears the risk, a difficult situation to assume and who often makes you go through the heat of the test.
However, Virgo calms the fiery Aries over time, she can help him realize his big dreams, brings concrete efficiency, his powerful analytical intelligence to the projects of Aries. Sometimes Aries helps the Virgin to free herself from her reason, to become a little more Mad Virgo !!!
Here is an axis entirely dominated by the most romantic passion: the feeling always wins. You have a taste for the noble gesture of moral elegance, sometimes pushed to the point of masochism. You have a lot to offer and you give freely.
The father's influence is exerted powerfully on affective choices.
A valiant knight with a lot of panache and true generosity, you fight for justice, against all forms of iniquity until the absurd. With the concern of the beautiful gesture.
Violent, aggressive, courageous, you deploy a prodigious energy in the service of the best and the worst. You may as well spend all your strength in the service of a noble cause, of your neighbor, of an altruistic activity, which to turn against you through various discomforts, this energy misused.
Here is an alliance which can give Doctors of the shrinks of the surgeons, the dentists, as well as the sick, the anxious.
Noble association than that of Aries and Sagittarius. Essentially chivalrous. You fight for generous causes and take risks because you believe in them.
There is a rich creativity and passion for projects at home.
you absolutely need to have a high opinion of yourself, you take the necessary pains to justify it.
Watch out for narcissism.
You inspire confidence and we go very gladly to you.
Strange team that that of this bouncy leaping Aries, and Capricorn, slow, earthly, and serious, reconciliation can only be done with time. Your balance largely depends on what was built or destroyed in childhood.
Your attachment to the family is indeed essential.
To them both these signs give a great power of work, dynamism, entrepreneurship and Capricorn carries out what Aries sets in motion.
Together they have intelligence and go out of their way.
This combination has a good reputation, because it unites two signs equally open to others, committed to friendship and human brotherhood. Your concern for the common good is obvious and you have the desire and the means to serve it. You generally have a taste for communication and research. Your mind is curious, always alive on the move, with twenty ideas a day. Sibling ties are very important. If you don't have a brother or sister, you will be looking for it all over the world.
The dreamy and lymphatic fish, masks the dynamism, the revolts, the outbursts of Aries. This association is somewhat unstable, perhaps because you are never satisfied, your life never reaches the peaks that you dream of. Money appears to you as a necessary tool to achieve your crazy ambitions, but you easily squander what you earn.
Too much idealism too. Sometimes there is a conflict between your mystical impulses and your thirst for goods. materials experienced as reassuring.
this year for all the Aries there is a questioning, a change of personality or quite simply change, it is Pluto who boosts you in this direction, you have the chance to be well led by Saturn and Mars these 2 planets in Sagittarius are favorable to you and will not let you go the wrong way (From 2016 to 2018 regarding Saturn)
Good luck to everyone