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For the answer on schizophrenia go to ........ "Nicolas's disease" in the same section, just below.
(April 20, 2017 °)
Jérome wrote… ..
I never thought that I could be subject to any law.
I act according to my needs and my interests.
I move forward in life, every morning is a surprise, good or bad, I have never accused the stars or other cosmic phenomenon and so far I'm doing well.
What do you think ?
etc ……
Hello Jérôme,
Very good question, many people think like you, that does not prevent them from living well, on the contrary, it can even help.
When you say " I am not subject to any law " you are running on great power ... self-confidence.
This autosuggestion (because it is) builds that self-confidence and allows you to act in a positive frame of mind.
What you want me to understand is that Astrology is not a main focus of interest for you.
I don't care not to convince you, I explain simply by the following… ..
" Astrological thought makes it possible to approach a consciousness " diagrams »Which presides over the knowledge of the global man, mediator between Heaven and Earth, an integral part of cosmic rhythms and of the great Universal laws.
Understanding these laws is the one and only way to free oneself from them, and without a doubt Astrology is one of the means that lead to it.
" You will know the Law and the Law will set you free "
Good understanding with yourself, Jérôme, I offer you a good Jupiter working in the shadows… (laughs)
Keep listening to yourself, that seems to work for you, that's the main thing!
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(April 5, 2017 °)
Hello Celine,
I am responding to your mail on interference .....
Very interesting, It is placed in the section "my articles"