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 I could not miss this article / Psychic illnesses  Where  degenerations 

 with a little good will we get there ...

  So read ... ....


No medication but ...

This is all the more scandalous as  certain natural therapies, of which we speak too little, have allowed  spectacular advances  against Alzheimer's. 

As proof, I want the information published in the journal
  Alternatif Bien-être, in its February 2015 edition, which details the findings of researchers in neurology at the University of California [3]. 

They tested 36-point non-drug therapy (brain stimulation, stress management, dietary changes, measurement of vitamin D3, B12 level, CRP level, glycated hemoglobin, measurement of hormonal balance in the blood, fasting, etc.) in ten patients with memory disorders associated with Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment such as amnesia or subjective cognitive impairment.

Before the start of treatment, six of the patients had been forced to stop their work or had difficulty maintaining their activity.

A 67-year-old woman who could no longer remember the contents of the page she had just read, among other things, eliminated gluten from her diet, increased her consumption of plants, fish, began to take melatonin, meditation and exercise thirty minutes a day, four days a week.

Three months after the start of the program, she was able to remember phone numbers without difficulty, and able to read and remember information… After two and a half years, she returned to full-time work… at age 70 !

In the other patients, the researchers see many advances that also prove to be sustainable, provided that therapy is continued.

The only "drawback" of this therapy: it is difficult, restrictive.

  Impossible to take a small pill and let it work while remaining passive: countering Alzheimer's disease first and foremost requires a  personal effort  ",  concludes the Alternative Well-Being article. 

It would of course be much easier to believe the opposite. That a tiny little medicine will bring you back for good from the terrible land of memoryless people.

This is what the pill manufacturers tried to tell. We see with what result.

Health !

Gabriel Combris


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