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Mistress  of Gemini, in exaltation in that of Virgo, under the influence of Mercury ....  we like it or we don't like it, I like it,  it is the star  intelligence, communication.


Then,  you are  Mercurian  (do) if ....

Mercury is near the ascendant,  mid-sky or if several planets in addition to the sun or the moon are in the  sign  from  Gemini or Virgo


Yes, well placed in the birth chart, the lively, intuitive and brilliant intelligence is based on ease of understanding, assimilation  and immediate reuse.


So sir, madam, we can say that you are doing well in life.  You do not lack a wealth of argumentation which allows you to always get back on your feet, if necessary  by reversing the situation in your favor, through reasoning without appeal.

The inventive, open, innovative spirit is attracted by avant-garde techniques  if Uranus is in the game, we will also talk about human sciences, personal research and all that represents a character of originality

This aspect (Mercury Uranus) is frequently found in autodidacts, politicians and astrologers.


But if Mercury is negative .....

the imagination and the speeches just as developed as in the case of harmonic aspects, are revealed to be confused,  source of errors of appreciation and judgment and even of risk of mental dissociation (negative neptune) the mind is dispersed, rarely effective, despite flashes of inspiration, and served by a tendency to delude itself.

Mercury also represents the brothers and sisters and of course, depending on its position you will get along or not with them.

But in general a mercuress is never short of arguments in all areas and even gets out of it "through a keyhole".

Mental energy is always on the move and thought needs to be expressed actively, creatively and recreationally, right?

What do you think ?

You are said to be scattered, lyrics are often used without control (I also know, I master  hum!) But in general you are cheerful, playful, sociable, kind and if you have  the chance to have a good Saturn,  you will have a structured and rigorous mind brought to logical analysis.


It is a beautiful star, Mercury… You have to know how to use it and especially not to let it drag you down the paths "  without  issue  "(  too much  scattered  )


Good luck friends (is) Mercurians


See you soon for another star



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