Like it should be let's start with the first house, the most important since it is called ASCENDANT, this house occupies the space between the ascendant and the tip of house II.
If the sun represents the spark (the spirit incarnate), the ascendant constitutes its vital and manifested orientation. Like the Sun, house I unitary element, contains within itself all the other houses, which are the development and manifestation of its potential and its essence.
It is therefore customary to attribute the following characteristics to the house:
. The personality
. The temperament
. The behaviour
. The life bequeathed by the ancestors
. Expression and physical potential (Vital Health).
Aspects of the planets in the ascendant generally qualify the basic life energy transmitted by heredity (Ascendant)
Represents the finances luck by the money, the gains, the losses according to it "is or not" sustained by the planets
The anorexia / bulimia dialectic is an example of a conflicting emphasis on the second house. Most astrologers limit the scope of the second house to money earned by one's own labor. Rather, they are the capacities of each individual to manage their physical and material life.
House III in analogy with Mercury represents the mental acquisitions necessary for communication and exchange, to express ourselves through speech and writing, and our physical and psychic mobility.
House III evokes the immediate entourage (with the exception of the father and mother), that is to say the closest in our childhood with whom our communication skills develop and exercise: brothers and sisters, cousins, cousins, classmates. In this it represents the bases of any social adaptation and relational faculties.
Extension of house III, house IV represents the family environment which, the first puts us in contact with immediate reality
House IV is of capital importance. Since it represents the roots, the bases and the origins, therefore, the psychic formation of the child who has no other system of reference to which to apply its mimetic function
House IV also represents the home that the native will found. The house, the place of residence, the patrimony, and any changes of residence will then be concerned.
It therefore represents the beginning of things, it also describes the end, so we associate it with the last period of life.
The fifth sector is given the following attributions
_ Loves and pleasures
_Children and teaching skills
_Creations and creativity in general.
_The taste of entertainment
Enhanced by the presence of one or more planets, it emphasizes the intensity of the mechanisms of life and pleasure.
etc… .a good Jupiter in the 5th house favors the winnings in games of chance.
ah ha !!!!!
House VI deals above all with everyday life and the repetitive obligations of existence, it indicates in this the ways according to which perhaps channel the expression of vital impulses (sign where the cusp of the house is located as well as the position of his master in sign and house)
Of all the daily tasks to be done, the job - in whatever form - is certainly the most obvious.
It is also considered to be the Health sector hence the adage: " :Work is health " .
The cusp of the 7th house is called " descending »House VII is always opposed to House I and covers an equivalent surface; it is inseparable from our projection on the outside world and on others. House VII therefore implies the nature of our gaze on the outside world and on people. others, and especially " The ideal »Subjective " of the other "
It represents the complementary ideal, the type of person that we seek and that we attract in order to achieve the union.
House VII is therefore by extension that of marriage and therefore, that which represents the spouse.
Good, but at a time when the traditional conception of marriage tends to disappear, House VII represents that of the partner, the one with whom, momentarily or not, we share the life.
House VIII opposed to House II that of having it, it opposes the reverse movement of dispossession / letting go
this House represents fields of activity that are a priori unpleasant, because it underlies the need to accept the " let go "
It indicates above all the crises and metamorphoses (small successive deaths) which are necessary for the evolution and internal transformation of material values (as opposed to the principle of possession).
It also represents legacies, etc. (after a death)
So the 8th house also governs sexuality, the very image of dispossession, where it seems to be one of the unconscious means of defense against death (life drive)
The interpretation of House VIII is always delicate because it corresponds to taboo subjects (Money-Sex-Death) " we don't talk about " and that we generally seek to push back to the depths of the unconscious.
MaisonIX indicates the use of mobility towards wider horizons, they underline the taking of retreat and the mental elevation necessary for the integration of losses, crises and mutations.
At the mental level, this expansion relates to the intellectual acquisitions which allow access to abstraction.
At a more concrete level apply to the study of foreign languages
On the physical level taste of travel, possibly relationship with abroad, seeing, living abroad, or foreign ancestry
Interest in all that lies across borders.
At the spiritual level, finally the opening towards " the beyond Is reflected in the search for an ideal through the study of religions, and in an attraction for metaphysics and for everything that transcends the limits of the mind.
Be careful, however, of a too great need for escape, which sometimes results in an escape from reality. In this axis III / IX is that of mental weighting, which is based on a balance between reality and ideal.
House X governs the function and social condition of being. In this she describes her aptitudes to free herself from parental influences, and represents her individual achievement, through the cutting of the umbilical cord and her capacities for autonomy.
Consequently, it is the house of becoming, of " destiny »And the passage to the act.
Tradition makes it the area of social success.
We associate this house with friendship, a feeling less demanding, more respectful and more tolerant than love.
From friendship stems the notion of solidarity, which can be manifested by protections or precious friends.
Creative skills that we usually call " projects ". To a higher degree, these projects take the form of ideals, of a humanitarian and collective nature.
Ah house twelve !!!! We say so many bad things about this house when we just have to understand it ... What we are going to do.
So this house quite simply represents the need to withdraw a little, it must be considered as the continuation and the culmination of the previous eleven houses. In this it indicates the assimilation of the various experiments (good and bad), and the necessary detachment (letting go) which will allow to keep only what can serve as a basis for the following cycle.
All this obviously implies a withdrawal from the demonstrations " exterior »An interiorization with a view to the true knowledge of things. Everything indicates that this house gives great satisfaction to the person who respects its laws: Meditation, contemplation transcendence, are generally considered as the only ways which make it possible to achieve this. This induces the acceptance of a certain loneliness.
But here is the problem… Those who cannot live spontaneously on this plane of acceptance, will be confronted with external circumstances. often painful which will force them to think " despite them " this is the reason why the house XII symbolizes the places " confinement »Convents, monasteries, so many places that lead to meditation.
In certain cases of house XII very distressed one can find imprisonments, asylums, hospitals etc.
On the other hand, with a Bon Neptune (master of the XII) this House becomes very protective. It can even give psychic strength beneficial Positively fueled by supernatural power which in some cases can neutralize hidden enemies associated with this house.
This is all we can say in astro-psychology on the functioning of houses
(any recovery, even partial, prohibited)