Hello everyone
So let's talk about Love …….
I talks about universal love.
Love the whole world… ..without judgment.
The idea is good, love for and towards all, love, love yes, (not mystical it is not for me, "I only believe what I see" (laughs))
Then, are we ready to forget each other for love? and what love would this one be? I love everyone, but I don't love myself since I don't think about myself anymore. !!! And here I am full of love, overflowing with love, but is that enough to make me happy, or would I be frustrated if after so much given in the world I had not received anything? would I always feel full of love or empty? we say that it is better to love than to be loved (Balavoine song you know!)
I do not think the same but it only engages me and the psychologist that I am.
We need to feel understood, loved, helped, especially understood in order to be able to give in our turn, but if the glass is empty, etc.
You follow me, don't you? even the Dalai-Lama asks us to love ourselves above all, Psychology advocates self-love.
Yes, you have to love your neighbor, help him if we can, but never forget yourself TO NOT LEAVE BITTER, FULL OF FEELING AT THE END OF THE TRIP.
if we liked our entourage near we will leave light.
But we're not there (laughs)