Wednesday 10 MAY 2017
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Anorexia / bulimia
We decipher this problem with the help of the house II, it represents: material acquisition, finances, but not only, house 2 also indicates the relationship to the body and to food.
In the case of a Bulimic person. Instead of using food as a nutrient, it establishes a special relationship with food and loses sight of the purpose of what it absorbs.
So the adage becomes for her "You have to live to eat and not eat to live".
We also eat to calm his fears, his sorrows, to forget etc. Let's go straighten up !!!, look at what you could do with this time lost to eat without hunger because normally we eat only when we are hungry, or to be done a little pleasure but not excessively OK?
So, are problems flooding your life? React, you have to want to but you can, we can always and afterwards you will be so happy to have succeeded.
Do you know the videos on positive thinking? youtube broadcasts dozens
of meditations on the subject it will be a +.
Go ahead and you will quickly get rid of your bulimia.
For people with anorexia it's different or it's the other way around… We don't eat anymore because we don't want to "live" or enjoy anything.
I am addressing people with Anorexia
So like that, don't you love yourself so much that you no longer want to enjoy what's good and good on earth? You do not want "no longer live" and why?
Did anyone hurt you? We made you believe you don't deserve to live? something bad has happened in your life and you feel guilty?
You may not know it, but it is what is happening in your subconscious.
NO MATTER, all this BELONGS TO PASS ed, you are the same person, you're stronger (e,) determined (e) to take you in hand henceforth no negative suggestions will not be able to reach you because they are false. Break down, demolish everything in your subconscious that is false and record new positive thoughts that will bring you back to life.
Life is worth living, it is only some clumsy people, who are most of the time not aware of the problem they are creating that have opened this breach, this information is engraved in your subconscious.
Simply change them, the brain is a machine that knows how to erase and record new data when it is said with conviction and force. (Everything that comes from the heart, with emotion, is recorded)
. throw away, don't think about it, turn your back on the past, you are here and now, a happy person who loves life and loves you life, as you really want to be.
try, there are so many beautiful things to see, to learn, to taste. to meet
Turn your back on the past (it's dead) relearn how to live in the present with other people, another character, value yourself and you will meet people who will judge you for your true worth.
Visualize yourself eating cupcakes full of cream (berrrk ... I hear you (laughs) but there they are good, you love them these cakes, they won't make you not get fat no! On the contrary, they are just delicious to please you because you deserve this little happiness from time to time, + a complete healthy food and just as delicious well simmered is one of the first pleasures that life offers us.
Come on, visualize yourself smiling licking the cream left on your fingers ah ha! Everything is fine now.
I hear..It's not that easy!
But yes, try this change, erase the residues of negative energies left by the past, you are another person you deserve the best today ..... you have realized and understood, you can eat, taste then take a little jog, or a brisk walk, after that a good shower, but what happiness!
and it's not over the rest will follow ... meetings, outings, friends etc ....
you must not say no, not possible, before trying.
Good appetite
Astro psychology
In our modern western society, where money as a symbol of power and achievement is of paramount importance, most astrologers limit the scope of the 2nd house to money earned by one's own toil.
For Astro psychology, the 2nd house indicates beyond the purely financial aspect, the capacities that each person has to manage their physical and material life, through their resistance to death.
In deduction if you have a "difficult" house 2 analyze the planets there or the master of this house and you will be guided. you can easily master after understanding where the problems come from or because of whom.
With a good house 2 the money comes in easily and no food problem, good planets and good aspects.
example: Venus, Jupiter, the Sun or the moon
on the other hand, a bad moon (negative aspects) whatever the field poses a problem in childhood, often with the mother. (analyze)
Spread this advice widely around you or use it, in addition to psychological help, if you want, or if you cannot do it alone
anyway you will have set foot in the stirrup, after, it will go very quickly
Make good use of