FEBRUARY 18, 2020
PISCES from February 20 to March 20
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Hello, this is the exceptional Pisces horoscope for the year
I put it in the spotlight this year.
Small or big fish? at any rate, you like to swim between two waters, this month you will make a cure of happiness for two to 10 or alone it will be perfect for the 3 decans
However, you will remain hypersensitive and hyper receptive like an animal that senses and presents events. especially with Neptune who has been passing through your sign for a few years and still for a long time, so arm yourself, arm yourself, make yourself an elephant skin or beware of emotions.
Mercury goes back all month in your decan you will be enlightened, great mental or commercial activity, flair in business without counting Uranus who will open a door to you in a constructive way, that's all too well… Take advantage of it!
The second decan is blessed by the Gods, you will be appreciated by important people and you will benefit from great facilities which help your expansion. All kinds of nice things will happen and make life easier. Dare to experience all the beautiful things that will present themselves, but not just anything because Jupiter is just passing through… .. it's up to you!
With The conjunction Pluto Saturn in the third decan of Capricorn, a friendly sign, you will gain the ascendancy over others you will feel stronger and more determined with the possibility of acquiring great inner power, thus, you will be able to better control of people and events… So much the better… That's good!
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Here is a beautiful horoscope for our Pisces friend (s). Not always satisfied with their life but there, I think they will be well helped all year round, rejoice!
What can we add about personality and character?
all gently and caress, full of sensuality, but be careful not to hurt him, he will be angry with you for a long time because of his great sensitivity.
He is an ear of choice, disinterested and attentive but it is difficult to know if he really loves, he flees at the first hitch, passive he flees in the face of a fight.
Very dispersed by nature, he can become extremely concise if his work pleases him, instinctive his flair is recognized, but he works at his own pace and finds it difficult to comply with the routine of a business
Good, this is not a sign of humor, it rings false and often takes dramatic turns.
no? oh well (laughs)
Here is my dear friends (es) Pisces your sign ends the circle of the Zodiac you represent the twelfth house not always easy to live with, it is the house of mysticism, of communication with the beyond, of the feeling of psychic pain or physical, but also mental strength we find a lot of psychologists magnetizers healers in this sign.
So good month everyone, take advantage of the good aspects, breathe. Play sports.
We therefore end the Zodiac tour with PISCES this month.
We will come back next month to Aries, First sign and so different which is to be expected.
A thousand kisses to you my friends (s) I send you all from Aries to Pisces my best thoughts
Marléne °°°°°°°°°°