According to the master Ramana Maharshi: seek to understanding the meaning of life is in itself proof of good Karma during previous births.
People who are not interested by this research are wasting their life, purely and simply.
"this passage is from of Ramana Maharshi's teaching. "
(From the book by Astrologer Pierre Lassalle)
Hence the Chinese proverb ......
" The one who does not know… .and who does not know that he does not know. Run away from it.
The one who does not know… .. and who knows that he does not know educate him.
The one who knows… ..and who does not know that he knows awakens him.
The one who knows… ..and who knows that he knows follows the. "
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Yes, it's good to know!
have your mind awake, the desire to look for the know gives us power.
Self-knowledge and the laws of nature allows us to avoid The traps, to bypass the wrong paths.
Unfortunately most people confine themselves to the corners of their homes. nature, they don't really know who they are and why they are there (too bad!)
If you knew each other perfectly you could understand yourself better and understand others.
I will add that astro-psychology is not a simple study of the personality, it is useful in all these cases. It helps to become a person happy in agreement with herself and above all honest with herself.
So it's good?
Take it slow don't flinch, just say "is what I'm doing is really what I want?" am I really happy to do this? Because if you were not not in agreement with yourselves, a self-punishment mechanism could be triggered by this other me ..... or unconscious responsible of problems psychosomatic
Of course, to work on yourself so deeply, you have to want to, like everything else.
On this site I help you in this sense, I gives useful information, chosen.
Take some time, read and reread texts as often that you can, they will their path.
Go on, a bit of courage !!!
You do not believe it? ... Another Karma wasted… .. (laughs)
I let you meditate… ..
A ++++++