Saturday February 2, 2019
Transits evaluation
To know the strength of the transits
We proceed as follows …….
First like a pie chart we first cut the circle into 2 halves
This ascending / descending dividing line (house 1 to 7) is the horizon line
These two hemispheres are the Diurnal hemisphere and the nocturnal hemisphere.
The planets that transit above the horizon… .7,8,9,10,11,12
are more powerful than when they are below the horizon… 1,2,3,4,5,6
On the other hand
Let's take our pie chart and cut it again, to make 4 quadrants
This line starts from the middle of the sky (house 10 at the bottom of the sky house 4)
These two areas are called eastern and western area
Eastern zone: 10, 11, 12, 1,2,3 the planets in transit in the east are advancing rapidly and are more and more powerful their energies reach us with full force (for good or for others depending on the position of our native planets)
Western zone: 4,5,6,7,8,9: in this zone the planets decrease in intensity, they are slower and diffuse less energy
This double division reveals four semi quadrants
We can therefore assess the power of the planets first in 2 categories Those which are above the horizon are strong but even stronger if they are in the eastern quadrant (10,11,12)
In conclusion, the planets that pass through the 10th, 11th, 12th houses have more power and impact on your life
follow houses 1,2,3, where they culminate in the Eastern hemisphere
7,8,9 they decrease and are much weaker in houses 4,5,6.
So the planets that pass through the South / East hemisphere, from your Astral sky, are more powerful than in the West below the horizon.
In this way you will be able to evaluate the transits in relation to your native chart.
But logically, only the planets in transit which reform a natal aspect can be decisive. for the fate of a person, because we know that nothing can happen, others, that are not written in a theme of birth.
we can only, be pushed around, have problems or be lucky thanks to the transits.
I give you a little work and you will know everything… ..
Good to know!