Hello to you
I am posting this text to complete my reflections on Nicolas' Disease, which touched me a lot. So I continued my research.........
To heal mental disorders
It must be understood that the imaginary links must be cut; definitely… .. Regardless of belief and relationship to these links.
Some have told me about Martians, returning from an unknown planet, entities, good or bad and even from Aliens, (those filthy beasts that we see in certain films and which scare imaginative teenagers) all these imaginary beings must be totally and definitively Ignored, suppressed, then forgotten. as well as creepy stories that have no seated real and clinging to a sick psyche
Shave 'em, eject, reject, ignore during 21 days. The time to give the brain its powers of concentration.
Patients must adhere to the reality of the present moment even if their psyche tries to make them leave again in the unreal at the call of one of these imaginary beings. They must in no case give way.
However he can happen to these people real disturbing events around them Caused precisely by suggestions due to beliefs.
This is what I wanted to add to this text to help all young patients.
It is not easy for them, because in principle they are people who do not have an active life, who are alone, shy, hyper sensitive. They must be taken care of to restore their taste to real life, explain the problem to them AND THE REASONS TO FREE YOURSELF FROM THESE LINKS
As I said before we need to disseminate our deductions and explain
I have always thought and written that sick people should not engage in conversations with inner voices, ignore them and let them go out and disappear You must Hang on to the real you take root fearlessly no matter what you hear. These imaginary links have no power over you without your interest in them, without this interest they disappear.
The psyche is fabulous but let's not go too far with it, he might well get carried away and turn against non-evolved people. while in evolved people, their subconscious has understood everything; it closes at the slightest disturbing alert takes distance and heals.
The unconscious after a long work of change and transformation of old patterns will know what you expect him. And will meet your expectations. But I repeat it is a long job. News positive thoughts and reconquest of the "self"
How do we evolve?
By following the route above and by doing work on oneself, by uniting oneself, by forgiving oneself, bad actions or "imaginary guilt". And repeating only after forgiving each other
"I love myself, I approve of myself, I support myself" several times a day
What is imaginary guilt?
Imaginary guilt is what you were led to believe in your childhood
- You are evil), it is because of you if your brother is sick etc ... And here are the people. fragile, sensitive will feel guilty of nothing because in reality they are for nothing.
Forgive yourself for everything and nothing but forgive yourself.
"I welcome myself with love and benevolence "" I am great! I am strong) !"
Rather than taking care of others ... Take care of yourself, work on yourself.
And you will find peace, happiness, and not otherwise.
If you haven't worked on yourself, the problems will come back in another form, but they will come back because your basic bad energies will not fly away. not on a snap of the fingers, they will attract again, trouble on you and no one else. everything is magnetic in the Universe.
None prayer won't work if you are on the wrong path
The best way to be happy and to trigger luck is .......
I share the results of my work from this way, it's my way of helping people.
I am a volunteer, I transmit by writing ... I am demand often Why?
Well, you have to believe that it suits me perfectly and .......
"I love myself too much to be upset" (laughs)
You know everything .... Kisses