Hold on tight …… (laughs)
First of all a comparison..... it's just a story.
A frog is quietly splashing around in the water when a very charming Scorpion arrives and asks him to help him cross the river.
The wary frog, replies that it is not so stupid, Knowing him he would sting her on the way.
-But no Pretty Frog, if i stung you i would die since I can't not swim
It's true think frog
_ get on my back then!
here they are, as happy as each other, the frog to be able to be of service and the Scorpio to cross the river.
But on the way the Scorpion stings the frog.
_ Aiiiiill !!! I'm going to die but you too, I don't understand?
_ Do not seek, it is my nature !!!!
that's what we think of Scorpios right? but not only that ....
let's look together
A lot of aggressiveness and inner tension, you expose yourself to danger, without being aware of it, without realizing what there is in you of self-destruction. Your disproportionate passions are leading you too far. Watch out for accidents, functional disorders or small psychosomatic illnesses that you will avoid by getting to know your self-punishment processes.
If you put your energy at the service of a noble ambition, nothing will be able to hinder it
Well, here's a solution, isn't it?
————————————————————————————— ASCENDING SCORPION BULL
With you it is always the fight between Eros and Thanatos. Between the impulse of life, powerful, demanding and the impulse of death, destructive. Your instincts trump your reason (unless you analyze the situation)
You have presence, magnetism, seduction. But you depend on others more than you let appear
Your evolution depends largely on the quality of the beings whose life you share. They will help you build or push you to destroy.
Remarkable intelligence and developed critical mind. Beware of your negative tendencies, your verbal aggressiveness, your untimely refusals, your corrosive intelligence, sometimes prevents you from acting.
By being too lucid you no longer believe in anything.
Put at the service of an altruistic, therapeutic activity, your intelligence will do wonders. You can be a doctor, a “shrink” surgeon. But you also like writing and acting.
You are a being of shadow and light, secret, deeply artistic and creative, your imagination is both fruitful and a little morbid. There are distant, archaic fears within you to look for in childhood. You attract others who feel within you a fascinating and somewhat murky universe. Both weak and strong, helpless and formidable. Be wary of any possible attitudes that are both masochistic and sadistic. Well, come on, it's not just that, if you have a good moon, you like the family built right?
Very strong personality, your enmity is formidable and your friendship is fabulous, you have a presence and a magnetism that requires high standards. If you are sorely lacking in indulgence, we can always admire your courage, your “warrior” side, you go to the end of what is imposed on you internally, and you never back down. You are sometimes feared. We always fear your judgment. But, we never forget you.
The image of your father is very important to you.
You aim first for efficiency. Scorpio's deep energy is at the service of Virgo, an expert in arranging reality, in organizing it. you are discreet, secretive, and not very tolerant of the whims and extravagances of others.
You think, you hate lightness.
Your intelligence dissects, analyzes, your eye observes without complacency, you will be an excellent critic, an expert, a teacher if you do not give in to the temptation of writing where
you may very well be successful. Ok?
You want both to go beyond yourself and to go beyond the borders of the world. All this put together makes a lot of strength, energy of potentialities. You will need to exercise your grip on concrete reality. What you often do throughout your professional life. But your anxieties to be secret, are no less formidable. Especially when it comes to your health. Trials in family life, sometimes.
Great strength of character. Countless are those who, thanks to her, have left the sparkling trace of their passage on earth. Creators, scientists, politicians, all are represented here. But, God, you have a difficult character! not very conciliatory, or very often misanthropic, uncompromising in any case, and interested in the only absolute, you do not make your life easy and your relatives complain about it. yet friendship is as vital to you as bread and milk.
A stubborn and often brilliant researcher, you have a passion for knowledge and an ambition for discovery, you often forget to live. If luckily, you are supported by beings who understand you, love you and know what self-sacrifice means. Everything will be alright. If it's the opposite, you will regain your freedom with a bang. For you, the main thing is not in human love: you put all your energy at the service of science. (researchers will surely find themselves in this association of signs)
Being mysterious and deeply seductive, sometimes a little worrying, you seem inaccessible or insecure for those who love you, your diabolical intuition (nothing escapes you), your visionary side, put you in direct contact with the unconscious of the world. The great domestic and geographic journeys are yours. Esotericism attracts you as much as experiences which aim to create certain states of consciousness.
Then! What do you think? YOU ARE ALIVE
You like passions and roller coaster, the main thing is to agree with you
Next week we will tackle THE SAGITTARIANS
Have a good week everyone