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Tuesday 30 MAY 2017

Reviewed and readjusted November 19, 2017





Hello my friends

I must thank you for having participated by your presence, your responses and behavior  to my research.

  I can now  affirm and confirm  that each person has their own functioning even if we do not  are  as recording machines (as some say  researchers in neuroscience.) Everyone records in their own way,  with its possibilities (strong destructive or protective planets)

You have surely noticed,  when we watch the same movie, we make different comments, don't we?


I have seen everything,  Heard "everything", I did personal research, I listened to psychiatrists, sick people, good guys, bad guys, good guys, perverts.  I deduce  that the brain records everything, it's true, but in its own way,  according to individual laws


We can influence our daily life, improve our depressive or destructive tendencies, avoid the traps, but the Basic functioning will not budge and  the  big question will always remain ....


WHY are the outlines so indelible? Who defines them? Some will say  "ourselves  in an other  life"

lunar nodes  give some indications  but don't say  not why neither  how and  by what a miracle  we are all  different  one another  to the point of being able to recognize a friend among billions of people.

  Who makes us Unique physically and mentally?

Personally, I did not find or hear any answer  palpable, then there is the strange and the marvelous ...... or simply the marvelous  functioning of the Universe. (I'm voting for)


We are all,  always and will remain, UNIQUE, we will not be  never robots, we will never be able to be "remotely guided" (as long as our Spirit is  holy and  resistant to handling)

Just like diseases ... when an epidemic is under control, another one happens  virulent. It is an indomitable natural force.

I come to think that we will never be stronger than the functioning of nature which has its own rules,  as much to respect them, it is necessary in  to be aware. Astro psychology helps us, guides us towards the best of ourselves, (change, without  denature.)



the  diseases say  incurable, chronic  (  psychic or physical,) are not  that on a field  fertile.  


The Forts will remain strong, and will not need any help.


There you go, thank you for being there,  I hope that my research will help you more or less  


Know above all, that only you, yourself, can improve or  deteriorate your functioning, you can get help, but if you do not take a personal step towards happiness, if you maintain hatred, revenge etc ... nothing, no one  will not change for you what you store, because to change (what can be changed)  you have to want it  brain only registers your strengths, positive or negative and therefore becomes, positive or negative, for you, and for no one else, it is an extraordinary functioning. (  for this reason,   I believe in a force, an infinite intelligence which guides Beings towards what they seek,  without  encroach on the freedom of others because everything that harms the other, turns against oneself, yes, I believe in it !!)

  thoughts that arrive or outside suggestions will not be recorded.  don't pay attention (it's proven), even if someone is helping you for a while, or looking to you  destabilize, it will not last, if you yourself do nothing so that  it continues. The brain is an extraordinary "machine" which listens only to the thinker, the true, the real, have no  fear, you just have to believe it,  no one will be able to think for you if you do not believe it.

  Of course to have a healthy mind in a healthy body,  not too much alcohol, tobacco, drugs, obviously, is to be avoided, it disrupts everything ....  afterwards we rely on others to repair the  damage (believe me it doesn't work like that)

so  for all ...... Lots of juices, fruits, vegetables  often raw, fish, white meat (if possible) turmeric, seeds,  1/2 hour of gym. And of course the mental food (thoughts that go with it) go, make an effort and promise you'll be fine.

Serious and destructive illnesses are most often triggered by guilt, even if you are unaware, so no one  other than yourself I repeat it cannot act on you , if you do something wrong with someone and that your "deep Self" does not agree it will trigger a self-punishment, (destruction,  serious accidents, illnesses  serious) on the other hand if you are and have been in agreement with your actions,  you will be protected.

you can do deep work on you for  stop the process, if necessary.


In conclusion, in order not to hurt yourself,  let's stop doing it to others,  no?  


I leave the site, I go there  will come back  just from time to time  for important messages.

Read and reread the texts, they will make their way.



Have a good trip to all.





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