Under the influence of PLUTO?
If Pluto is near the ascendant, of the Midheaven, or if several planets in addition to the Sun or the Moon are in the sign of the scorpion.
After Venus the beautiful and kind, difficult to get close to Pluto.
When we know the meanings of the planets, we are wary of PLUTO.
For astropsychology, traditional elements hardly come into play. This is a planet " Maleficent »And that is enough to define his disruptive inclination, which is very prejudicial to the happiness of men.
The uninviting characteristics of this planet lend themselves to the enumeration of a long series of affliction…. Imprisonment, exile, internment… Especially if this planet is associated with Saturn.
So the imagination takes care of the black decorations of hatred, perversity, just plain wickedness (Unfortunately I know a lot of them, it seems that I attract them and I am not kidding)
If this planet forms harmonic aspects with neutral or beneficial planets, then the heavenly arrangements will offer solutions, realistic and timely.
The beings who have mastered their difficult configuration has serious advantages.
Here I will not say more about this planet, which definitely does not inspire me.
I probably have reasons you will tell me… .. hum!
See you later for another Star.