1 year cycle
The star of the day, the giver of life, which makes the fruits swell and the ears ripen. It symbolizes the consciousness of the individual, his basic personality the God SUN is Apollo, brother twin of Diane LA LUNE, he exalts masculine qualities, Willpower, vital energy.
His beauty was famous and his numerous feminine conquests, he is love and creation, day and conscious, Ideal of the self, The ideal father.
THE MOON (Cancer)
28 day cycle
The star of the night radiates within, it is the whole psyche, the Soul of the individual. Master of dreams, she deludes, her uncertain glow disturbs the traveler, makes him take the rope for a snake. And when it's full, it's the crazy ones who wake up or even the werewolf, but that's where the happiest children are also born. (look, if you were born on a full moon day, .... Super!)
Its cycle regulates the menstrual cycle of women, the growth of plants, it fertilizes and exalts all the feminine qualities. THE MOTHER.
1 year cycle
In mythology he is the messenger of the Gods, the God of Merchants, travelers, thieves, in addition to the taste for travel, he indicates the personal expression of the individual, his way of communicating. Often represented at his young age, he evokes adolescence,: master of speech, writing and intellect, he is also that of medicine: is not his emblem the Caduceus, the stick around of which twists two snakes.
Mercury rules, Virgo. In Gemini he is more playful, he has more humor, it is Mercury Adolescent.
1 year cycle
When Saturn emasculated his father, Uranus, the latter's seed fell into the sea and a woman was begotten: VENUS or A Aphrodite (in Greek), goddess of love, Attributes… .Beauty, sexual attraction and good fortunes, in the theme it can show the type of person that attracts us, such as our capacity for love, tenderness or simply sociability.
Mistress of the arts, she reigns over our aesthetic tastes and our artistic tendencies. The daughter, the sister, the lover.
Venus also rules Libra, in Taurus it is more carnal, turned towards earthly pleasures and the immediate satisfactions of life.
cycle 2 years
Then, we change your tone, Mars is the God of war, fiery lover of Venus. Suffice to say that this planet governs aggressiveness, sexuality, passion. Its very essence is action.
Positively, it is the energy that dares, imposes and is spent with a view to a goal to be conquered. Negatively it is destruction, brutality, tyranny, hatred, war.
It signs the theme of many sportsmen, soldiers or adventurers. The brother, the son, the lover.
So, see if your Mars is well aspected, otherwise, channel your energies better.
12 year cycle
Ah !!!! Jupiter Master of Olympus (Zeus in Greek), he is the protector, the judge or the teacher, he indicates the mode of adaptation of the individual to the world, if he knows more or less well how to do it in social relations, its sense of synthesis, its relationship with the hierarchy. The escapades of this Master of the Gods are famous. Nothing stopped him in his pursuit of pleasures; a " Jupiterian »(Sagittarius, ascendant Sagittarius or Jupiter at angles house 1, 4, 7, 10. is an enjoyer and knows how to taste life. He is a Generous God, dispenser of the benefits of earthly life, symbol of abundance. He represents, the Father, the uncle, the person who guides who helps. who protects.
30-year cycle
His other name ... Chronos is the master of time, he symbolizes old age, an old man in himself, the hermit, the sage. A denatured father, he ate his children so that they did not come to disturb the cosmic order that he was installing. Saturn, the organizer of order, is averse to change and distributes punishments more readily than gifts, but his lessons are rich in lessons and he rewards rigor, a sense of duty and responsibility. (Grand parents)
Cycle 84 years old
The planet discovered in 1781, took the symbolism of its time, it is revolutionary, overwhelming and renovating; it signs accidents, ruptures and awakening. The motto °° Liberty, equality, fraternity °° fits him like a glove; indicator of the freedom of spirit it shows the sign of altruism, the capacities of friendship. Master of the rebels, the rebels, the marginalized, he is also that of the inventors and governs the cinema, the television, all the new technologies.
NEPTUNE (Pisces)
165-year cycle
His other name Poseidon King of the oceans and the master of creative imagination that of the deceptive imagination, He reigns over everything that goes with the sea, travel, fish, mystery, oil, abyss.
The planet was discovered in 1846 in the midst of disheveled and visionary romanticism, she makes poets, mystics, charlatans; It indicates the taste of the drug (including alcoholism) signals microbial invasions and can incline, to lies and betrayal.
PLUTO (Scorpio)
248 year cycle
King of hell he is fatality, the extreme, the secret, discovered in 1930 in the aftermath of the Wall Street crisis in 1929.
This planet shows all that is to be destroyed in order to rebuild better, it marks the contrasts, the opposites, the extreme wealth next to (or followed) extreme poverty. Symbol of the atom and its explosions. It gives power, makes wizards and great businessmen. In medicine, it indicates sexual diseases: when it arrived in its sign THE SCORPIO in 1985, on earth, we discovered the ravages of AIDS.
Waooouuu !!!!!! !!!!! interesting isn't it?
Well, I let you discover this planetary richness which influences our nervous system, our mind, our actions and all that follows from it.
I love ! you understood (laughs)