ah ha! do you really want to know ,? I laugh….
Imagination is the key word of my nature, its resources are the leaven of communication, well, you understand, I am talkative but not only, eager for research and curiosity, I like to work with and for people, humm ... at my own pace, a bit slow (laughs).
I ruminate, I ruminate endlessly on overlapping thoughts (too Mercurian) this is called mental agitation. So, Driven by this insatiable Mercury, I worked a lot in my favorite fields, Astrology combined with Psychology, it makes " miracles " I am living proof !
After 20 years of work and research, (Long studies but necessary for both disciplines) I have satisfactory results that I would like to share with you on this site.
So I decided to post selected texts so that you can evolve towards understanding yourself and others, take the time to read and reread them, they will make their way into your mind and thus allow you to empty the unconscious of all that has been repressed, Very bad repression, it slows down, it disturbs.
What's more bad emotions and anxieties go round and round without being able to be expelled.
UNDERSTAND, is the B A- BA of Psychology, when we understand a psychological problem, everything becomes easy. everything passes from the unconscious to the conscious to be definitively eliminated by simply saying for the problem that you will have discovered, "I accept or I do not accept and I throw Then change the story visualize what you would have liked to experience, yes, quite simply.
amazing for those unfamiliar with psycho. …… .they can easily become one on this site.
What else can I say about me? I like to laugh, even if life doesn't not always was sweet.
I handle humor on a daily basis often at the 28th degree… .. Aries for example fall right in and make me die of laughter.
Aries friends you have all my affection and many qualities, which are essential for me, Reckless, generous, go-getter, always there to help someone in need, but humor is average, isn't it? come on, not all, just kidding….
I find that cheerfulness attracts good vibes, so, no question of locking me in the depression, I jog, swim or I bask in the Sun, I listen to people around me they inspire me.
I can not prevent myself from talking about laughing and magnifying everything, even if it means taking " a minus for Super Man, " well, that was before, fortunately I hardened myself.
but yes, I was like that… ..Now I'm careful, I prefer the right people.
I described my personality as a whole to make you feel my vibrations.
I hope I can spread good vibes.
See you soon on the website
"I decided to be happy because it's good for the health"