THE BLACK MOON OR LILITH with a little humor ......
I like to call her Lilith this devil, the sign and the house which shelters her become obscure, she sows terror wherever she is.
You will understand that it is necessary to say NO to it !, not a small no! the big, the definitive, otherwise we fall into the original sin in the image of the myth …….
In the story of the birth of man, Lilith was Adam's first wife.
Naughty and much too demanding Adam had trouble satisfying her sexually and intellectually, today it looks like self-destructive, power struggles, sadomasochism of the praying mantis type (there are still no,? Laughs) etc ... so this dissatisfied Lilith went to take refuge with Samael, Satan's fallen archangel.
Poor Adam, still in love, begged God to bring her back. God obtains a radical refusal.
annoyed that we could stand up to him God renewed his request more firmly…., no, no, and no, it was then the last summons, or she would return or all her children would perish, Lilith refused outright.
We understand that where it is, the danger is there too.
But what to do?
In the house where the Dark Moon is (brrrr) we must analyze, understand, say no, not get carried away by emotions, hasty decisions without dialoguing, thinking.
If it is the 8th house, curb sexual needs,, say no to them at least from time to time, ho la la, not all that easy !, we could do without this Dark Moon but unfortunately it is in all the themes.
Positive, it will be easily mastered, Distressed, she will ask for hindsight, for firmness.
Let’s not be defeatist, everything can work out as in history; ……….
Adam asked God for another woman insistently, he begged him so much that God brought the beautiful Eve out from one of his sides.
They lived happily and had many children.
Okay, I'll let you take a closer look at your theme.