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Since we enter the sign of  Cancer  I suggest you  to talk about the MOON and Women.



A follower of Freud and traditional symbolism, would not fail to insist strongly on the configurations of the Moon (image of the MOTHER)


The mother, the daughter, the wife, the lover. They suffer, think, laugh, cry, step up to the plate, excited, gossip, Responsible, Strong, devoted, almost always cheerful and reassuring.

But also… .. don't blame me, my sisters, my friends, I wouldn't be that nice (laughs)

Cheerful, after having said as much harm as possible to the friend that they will find again as quickly. EH YES, these are the women! 

They are like the moon, changing, bright, extinct and bright again, lightning fast   to the rhythm of the Moon which crosses a complete sign in 2 days

  They also make the most important decisions very quickly because they are receptive, perceptive, intuitive.


We understand the importance of mental nourishment and food which first reaches the embryo, the Mother being like the moon, the psychic reservoir of the child,  of its mimetic system.


The Lunar imagination constitutes a richness but also a nostalgia because it is frequently turned towards the past, the women do not easily cut the umbilical cord, the taste of the childhood explains it.

An undeniable plastic fertility.

Mom !!!! resonates like a shield against anything that scares the child.

To reach the heart of this Mother, the little ones laugh, cry, cry. or do the worst stupid things  .Without answer,  they get sick.


We are told cyclothymic, our moods, our whims,….

We have nothing to do with it… .. ask  at the moon .



good vibes and  good reading  WOMEN!


See you next week.



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