This week I am inspired by the writings of the Dalai Lama, this beautiful person from Buddhism. What are his books about? of course we will not cover all the subjects.
I have therefore made a choice: THE WAITING AND THE PRESENT MOMENT
For example: a lot of people eat while thinking about the files they have to return, the behavior of their colleagues or the angina of the youngest they forget the flavor of the food they should taste, with pleasure, in the cool breeze that caresses their faces, at the beautiful view or quite simply in the beneficial silence " THE INSTANT PRESENT IN FULL CONSCIOUSNESS "
Others are waiting, waiting for what, from whom, possibly something else better or worse no matter what they expect
Are you someone who waits?
Waiting is a state of mind it is not uncommon for people to spend their lives waiting without thinking that they are having a precious moment " the present moment "The only one that really exists in the moment" Here and now Which will never happen again because this day, this hour, this minute and this second are given to you now a point that is all you should take advantage of.
Children know how to live in the moment which makes them happy.
Worse:!!!! this dissociation between your life " here and now That does not satisfy you and the coveted future, reduces the quality of life in the moment and creates an inner conflict.
This should not prevent you from aspiring to your goal and acting in that direction, the mistake would be to forget the feeling of living in the moment.
Then, when you will feel yourself slipping into this state of " thinker "Quickly come back to you, your body, your place" here and now "
Your Mind will use all kinds of traps to deny the present, but the more you monitor your inner emotional state, the easier it will be to become aware of it.
At the beginning it will be a work on oneself which will quickly become an automatism.
See you next week
those information contributes to manage your states of stress, fear, anxiety and psychological confinement.
Okay, a little humor …….
if people used any form of hostility or incivility (speak loudly, shout, make noise, etc.) that would prevent you from finding, the peace and calm necessary for this work of the moment " here and now, »Use the fantasy to eliminate them ,.
wow! I hardly dare imagine it is terrible mine! (laughs) and you? what would your imagination choose to get rid of it? Ah, the fantasy gets you out of all the trouble and instead of you will get angry you will laugh.
Don't repeat it, it's a secret. I have plenty of others… ..
Come on, smile, smile as often as possible it sends to the brain that you are happy, smile !!!!
Hope to see you again next week