After having read this text, you can immediately locate yourself ...
The level of aspiration and foresight that the subject makes on his possibilities of success in the task that is proposed to him, that is to say the level of accomplishment that the subject hopes to reach, in the more or less long term. gives an indication.
More generally, each of us makes a certain " self-image "
Each has a certain representation of what he, Is of " its strengths "And his" weak points », His way of reacting etc… ..
hence the importance of one's own image and social image of oneself.
This confrontation plays an essential role in self-awareness.
Do I have a good image of myself ?, how am I perceived?
This image is constructed by the mechanism put in place on the occasion of information provided to the subject first by what he heard about him in early childhood by parents, siblings then, in adolescence by friends, educators etc ... and of course, by his successes or failures.
It is also and above all built on the basis of a differentiation achieved with regard to one's family or social environment.
It is enough to have heard " he is an intelligent, lively child, even if he does not have good academic results, " he's handsome he's a charmer " or the contrary . He is a lazy person, he will not achieve anything, For the mechanism to snap into place.
So… think you are…. a rather cheerful person? rather sociable? rather thoughtful? appreciated not appreciated etc….
It is the one that has formed in our inner strength and that leads us to success or failures.
Of course you are waiting for a solution,? …… .ON Y GO !!!
The image we have of ourselves can correct ourselves by asserting oneself, knowing how to say no! when necessary, otherwise we fall into submission.
in 2 °°) Gain self-confidence by trying to climb, to fall, to get up, until the success of the projects which in principle will be realized.
Well what are we waiting for to get to work; !!!
First, let's change the mental process… by repeating (3 times a day) the sentence…. Below
I love myself because I try hard to reach my goal, I rely on myself and I succeed, I have confidence in myself, everything is different now, the mental process is reversed; I am good, I act in this direction and everything works for me . and that's all.
Then act !!!
Here is a beautiful image that you will soon see take shape in your interior mirror… ..
Unless it is already engraved with some of you, So, I just have to congratulate you !!!!
Next time we will talk " behaviors triggered by the state of need "
See you later….